Have I really not posted since The Gnoming? I am trying to figure out where the time went and I can't account for it.
On the 15th we went to our annual Homeschool Field Trip at Kah Nee Ta, a full day in the pool and 6 hours of driving always wipes us out but we did enjoy a stop at Timberline Lodge.
Boba Fett started Cub Scouts a couple weeks ago and lost a tooth.
The 20th was my 33rd Birthday and it was an absolutely perfect day. The weather was glorious and I did just what I wanted all day long. I knit, I watched North By Northwest, I went to Sushi Town with Boba Fett. Dinner was the Surf Side at Benihana.
The most fun gift I received was a plot by Paula where everyone who stopped by brought me some yarn! Two of my favorite gifts were a hug from Zac and a hug from Brock. And as it has turned out the most thoughtful gift was from Moose, he downloaded a bunch of Relief Society podcasts for me to listen to while I sew.
I sewed 2 dresses, one because it had to be done before the end of summer. I am calling it "The Diner"

The other was for the train excursion on the Mount Hood Railroad that was a really fun double date.
There was dancing in a very unstable car
The fellows refused to take a serious photo
and our conductor was named Roman.
Tomatoes are being harvested and the sunny days are at an end. Soccer season is in full swing and I am getting ready to do the Boutique at the Barn again.
My sweet friend lost her husband to cancer this month and we have loved her, served her and held our husbands extra close with a prayer of gratitude for them on our lips.