Friday, February 12, 2010

Uncrushable Entry

The Bettys over at The Uncrushable Jersey Dress are having a contest "Best Opening for a Faux Betty Neel's Novel" I cranked out this entry last night with only 5 Neels books under my belt. There have been requests for more and I think I can come up with a few more paragraphs, they will involve blood and a powerful motor.

Betty Neels is a Harlequin Romance Novelist. But not that kind of romance, the steamiest thing to happen to her heroines is a brisk kiss. She wrote prolificly for 60 years and each book feels like it was written the same year. There are 3 heroines, 1 Hero and a handful of plots. I feel that Betty Neels books should be read aloud in a group because they are so funny but they don't mean to be.

Read some of the other entries here and vote for me! Except there isn't any voting. You can take a stab at it too if you would like but hurry beacause the contest ends on Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Betty Debbie said...

Awesome entry! Way to be Uncrushable.