Friday, December 04, 2009

Someday Her Prince Will Come

Meantime she will hang out with these seven fellows.
This Petite Blythe Snow White dress had me in tears and depression Wednesday night. Thursday evening I had a new battle plan and was successful. I have high hopes for future dresses as I am narrowing in on a pattern.

The Seven Dwarfs were so simple. Originally, they were all to have beards but the first beard was so much work and looked only so-so and I decided one beard was enough. What do you think, do they all need beards?

Does anyone know where to get a 5" prince? The Blythes all want princes for dates. I would even settle for cowboys.

P.S. I need an apple about the size of a dried pea. Anyone?


Chelsea said...

what about the cherries from teh game "high ho cherry oh", you could paint the stem black and maybe trim it down a bit, i think that would work perfect for your apple. the dwarves are darling as is snow white's dress. you are a patient woman!

Afton said...

make a cute apple out of fimo. I love the dwarves without beards. Not all of them had beards...or was there only one without a beard?

Shawnel said...

they all should have beards of different sizes and leave one "dopey" without.

grandmawhitehouse said...

how about the game cherryO apple

Jessica said...

I agree with Shawnel.

Amy said...

How cute are you? I love your blog! I am so happy you visited me so I could find you! I am a little amazed, did you make those dolls? and the cherry suggestion sounds perfect. Whatever you do, good luck.

Samurai Mom said...

Thanks Guys, Amy, I made the dress for the doll and all of the dwarfs