Well the cupcakes I made the other must really have been touched by the devil because they tasted like the wages of sin. Bland, chewy and plain old yucky. The frosting was the best part and it wasn't very good.
If I am going to go to the work of making a cake from sctatch it had better taste good. Otherwise I will just open a box full of partially hydrogenated death, at least it will taste good.
I am going to have to rethink my collection of different editions of the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook since it failed me so completely.
So please, if you have a recipe for a good homemade devil's food cake please send me the recipe. My birthday is coming up and I want the cake to be yummy.
I am not a "from scratch" kinda gal so I'm no help there. But what a shame to go through all that trouble for...meh.
I have a nummy chocolate cake recipe, but it doesn't make very good cupcakes...it's too moist and they always sink in the middle. it's just meant to be a 9x13...lmk if you'd like the recipe though, and I'll post it on my recipe blog. :)
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